for financial year ending 30 June 2026
Payment is pro-rata to 30 June
for financial year ending 30 June 2026
Payment is pro-rata to 30 June
It entitles to you attend events at the nominated Chapter’s member rates.
All Membership Benefits listed on the Benefits page on our website.
You must provide evidence you are a current student at an approved institution.
Please email your valid Student Card to [email protected]
for financial year ending 30 June 2026
Payment is pro-rata to 30 June
An individual membership entitles you to 1 vote at the Annual General Meeting.
It entitles to you attend events at the nominated Chapter’s member rates.
All Membership Benefits listed on the Benefits page on our website.
for financial year ending 30 June 2026
Payment is pro-rata to 30 June
Three members from the same organisation in the same Chapter can be nominated for 1 SME membership.
A SME membership entitles each nominated member to 1 vote at the Annual General Meeting.
It entitles to all nominated members to attend events at the nominated Chapter’s member rates.
All Membership Benefits listed on the Benefits page on our website.
An SME Membership is defined as a business with less than A$2 million turnover
for financial year ending 30 June 2026
Payment is pro-rata to 30 June
Five members from the same organisation in the same Chapter can be nominated for 1 corporate membership.
A corporate membership entitles each nominated member to 1 vote at the Annual General Meeting.
It entitles to all nominated members to attend events at the nominated Chapter’s member rates.
All Membership Benefits listed on the Benefits page on our website.
A Corporate Membership is defined as a business with more than A$2 million turnover
Over the years, the HKABA has continuously refreshed and reinvigorated its activities and functions to keep up with the changing needs of our members and the dynamic business synergy between Hong Kong and Australia. Kicking the year off with the celebration of the New Year in the Lunar Calendar across Australia, each year is filled with social and business activities, ranging from a casual yum cha networking lunch to golf days and annual balls to a more organized business functions such as trade missions, business luncheons, business awards and an international forum in Hong Kong with sister organizations from other parts of the world. We are also actively support more community based events such as Hong Kong Film Festivals which are popular among Australia movie buffs.
The Hong Kong Forum is the annual flagship event of the Federation of Hong Kong Business Association Worldwide in which the Hong Kong Australia Business Association Limited is a member. The Hong Kong Forum serves as a platform for business interaction in a global context as well as a framework for networking and co-operation amongst members. Financial members of the Hong Kong Australia Business Association Limited are eligible to attend the Hong Kong Forum.
The HKABA Business Awards Program is an annual event which aims to provide recognition and incentive to entrepreneurs and companies which strive for excellence in all aspects of international trade between Australia and Hong Kong SAR/China. The Business Awards Program is conducted in QLD, NSW, VIC, SA and WA. The much sought Awards are highly competitive culminating in popular networking black tie awards nights.
The opportunity for contact between fellow members to exchange and widen business opportunities at networking functions.
A forum for understanding and discussing relevant business and trade issues through seminars and meetings with expert speakers.
A monthly newsletter, the “Hong Kong Connect”, which features the latest economic, market situation and trade-related issues both in Australia and Hong Kong.
A facility for networking amongst members through various social and business functions such as: an annual gala dinners, golf days, business luncheons, business awards, seminars, business conferences, etc.
Free listing on the HKABA website.
Discounted participation fee when joining business functions organized by the Australia Chambers of Commerce (Austcham) in Hong Kong.